United Group Insurance

Shelby County Board of Supervisors meeting recap


October 20th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Harlan, Iowa) – The Shelby County Board of Supervisors met in a regular session at 9-a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 17th. County Auditor/Board Secretary Mark Maxwell reports in his minutes of the meeting, that Shelby County Recorder Geralyn Greer presented her quarterly report which showed income growth year to year. Greer advised that improvements have been made to the online information portal on the Shelby County website and encouraged others to inspect the site and provide feedback on the visit. Other Recorders projects and current activities were also presented to the Supervisors.

Representatives from the Family Crisis Center were present to follow up with a funding request letter to the Shelby County Board of Supervisors. It was noted that last year, Family Crisis Centers provided approximately $7,143.80 of services to Shelby County residents. There are more people to reach in Shelby County, so they have increased their staffing to provide more focus and attention on your county. The family Crisis Centers goal in the next year is to increase their outreach and serve more people in Shelby County. They are asking for funding from Shelby County in FY25 in the amount of $750.00. The Supervisors approved the award request in full for fiscal year 2025. The monies provided will be from the Opioid Abatement fund.

The Shelby County Weed Commissioner’s annual report was then approved after a presentation by Jay Ring. Ring mentioned that Shelby County does not have the invasive weed problems that some counties have. Past control and keeping on top of problem areas has kept the spread in Shelby County to less than some other counties.

The Supervisors then considered a situation regarding a possible property tax refund/abatement. Myrtue Medical Center purchased a property during the assessment year and received in the purchase agreement partial payment for a portion of the year that property taxes were due. Myrtue was billed for the full amount of taxes due and paid the full amount. The Board passed a motion to abate and refund a portion of taxes paid for the parcel, in the amount of $4,557.52

The Supervisors then reported current activities on the boards and committees that they are members of, representing Shelby County. Charles Parkhurst reported that MAPA has trails grants available in the amount of approximately $800,000.00. Steve Kenkel noted that the Iowa Utilities Board activities regarding the pipeline situation have been put on hold for previously scheduled events where the hearings are held. The proceedings will resume in November.

Todd Valline provides a report from the Shelby County Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The report included that election candidate forums will be taking place in Elk Horn and Harlan for the contested city council seats in each of the communities. Valline also asked for baked goods to be dropped off at his office the 26th and 27th of October to be put on a bake sale to raise money for pool passes for those in need next summer. It was also announced that the Shelby County trails has been awarded a $400,000.00 trails grant for the ballpark to ballpark trail, the estimated total needed for the project is $700,000.00.

The Supervisors then approved two liquor licenses for Lucky Wine Slushies Inc for events to be held at the Rosa Blanda Farm.  And. Brandon Burmeister gave his Secondary Roads report of progress being made on projects throughout Shelby County. He noted that roads that break up this time of year are very hard to repair properly until spring weather returns next year. Some repairs are just patches to get through the winter. Grants available to Secondary Roads and their applicable rewards and benefits to Shelby County were detailed to the Supervisors.

Shelby County Auditor, Mark Maxwell then asked for, and the Board approved, a debt certificate for expenses associated with TIF project spending in fiscal year 2023. The amount being $91,040.  Maxwell also reported that ballots are were due to arrive Oct. 17th for in-person absentee voting at the Courthouse. There are new versions of election software that requires new techniques to be used in preparation and election day processes. Having an IT person will hopefully make the transition easier for election employees.

The bank that handles payroll deposits for Shelby County has installed new payroll software and Melissa Arkfeld, Shelby County Payroll Clerk, has been diligent in getting the process started correctly for payroll payments and deposits. Angel Poore , Taryn Knapp, and Cindy Pash have been doing their parts in election preparation also. Angel Poore with administration of all the voter records and ballots and Taryn Knapp and Cindy Pash preparing new equipment and Precinct Election Official education. Maxwell noted that he has a lot of confidence in all their abilities. Also it was told that new budget amendments are needed and in the process of being completed for Supervisor approval of publication. Also, there has been a letter sent to an ARPA grantee asking for it to be signed, this letter would be an acknowledgment of the grantee that the ARPA funds will not be used.

Having no further business the meeting was adjourned.