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Congresswoman Hinson talks about plan now that House Speaker is in place


October 26th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Iowa Congresswoman Ashley Hinson says she is happy to see a new House Speaker elected to end what she calls “the chaos and dysfunction over the past few weeks.”  “It was inexcusable. And it was embarrassing. And the eight chaos agents in our conference who teamed up with every single Democrats to paralyze the House should be ashamed of the damage they did to the American people by shutting down the floor. But it is time to move forward,” Hinson says.

Hinson says new House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana has a plan in place to address the key issues like getting the budget done to avoid a government shutdown. “The schedule has already changed. We are moving forward with our single subject appropriations bills. And, again, my outlook on that hasn’t changed either,” Hinson says. “We have to pass the most conservative appropriations bills possible. And I don’t want to see a government shutdown. I don’t want to get into hypotheticals until we’ve had a chance to have a conversation as a conference. ”

The Republican from Marion represents Iowa’s Second District, and says her party had a lot of conversations in the last couple of weeks about the path forward and what that looks like. I am hopeful. And I believe in our newly elected speaker, Speaker Johnson, that he’ll be able to unify our conference around an agenda that will hopefully keep the government open and funded and give us the leverage we need to be able to negotiate to get conservative wins with the Senate,” she says.

Hinson says she hopes to get an updated timeline for the Farm bill soon. The other three members of the Iowa House delegation voted with Hinson for the new speaker and issued statements after the vote.

First District Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks says Johnson “is a humble servant leader that I trust to carefully guide our Republican Conference.” Third district Representative Zach Nunn says with the speaker vote over it’s time to double down on the necessary work to address the most pressing needs facing our country: reining in government spending, protecting Medicare and Social Security, passing a Farm Bill. Fourth District Representative Randy Feenstra says he has “full confidence that, under Speaker Johnson, we will continue to uphold our Commitment to America and deliver for our families, farmers, main street businesses, and rural communities.”