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UI prof says she teaches students to use AI responsibly and effectively


August 18th, 2023 by admin

Some schools and colleges are trying to ban students from using artificial intelligence in their coursework, but a University of Iowa instructor is encouraging her students to embrace A-I in all of her writing classes. Professor Pamela Bourjaily, in the U-I’s Tippie College of Business, says she thinks it’s a smart move to “share the classroom” with Chat-G-P-T as a teaching tool.

Bourjaily says she’s teaching students that they’re responsible for the output they get from the A-I and how it’s important that they check for content and bias. She notes, it’s not necessarily less work to use A-I.

When Chat-G-P-T first appeared last fall, Bourjaily says she could quickly spot if a student had used the ‘bot versus writing something original themselves. Now, however, that’s changed.

She says one of her goals is to teach students to organize information and to be able to communicate that information fluently.

When Chat-G-P-T is used to produce documents like letters of recommendation, she says it can strip out the personal aspects. Instead, Bourjaily says collaboration and using A-I as a tool makes sure the humanity is kept in the writing.