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Shelby County Board of Supervisors minutes 08/15/2023


August 16th, 2023 by admin

The Shelby County Board of Supervisors met in a regular session on Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. in the Supervisors Chamber in the Courthouse with the following members present: Steve Kenkel, Charles Parkhurst, Bryce Schaben, and Mark Maxwell, Clerk.

Chairperson, Steve Kenkel, asked that any conflict of interest be stated concerning any item on the agenda. None were stated.

It was moved by Schaben, seconded by Parkhurst , to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

It was moved by Parkhurst, seconded by Schaben to approve the minutes of August 1st, 2023. Motion carried unanimously.

The latest claims were then approved unanimously after a motion by Parkhurst and a second by Schaben.

The Auditor reported on buildings and grounds inspections and upkeep including door replacements, roof leaks and other maintenance and duties. Maxwell also notified the Supervisors that there are now three Seat II certified (election) trained officials in the Shelby County Auditors office for the first time ever.

The repair to the air conditioning system has been made and another issue has popped up with the aging unit. parts and repairs have been ordered. Bids for a new chiller to supply the air conditioning system have been received, the Auditor presented the two lowest bids obtained. Carrier of Omaha Nebraska submitted a bid of $116,550.00, Carroll Control of Carroll, Iowa submitted a bid of $112,850. An independent opinion was obtained to make sure the bids were equitable, and it was judged that they were very close in specifications. The auditor asked the Board to vote on a recommendation. Bryce Schaben made a motion to accept the Carroll Control bid and authorize the Auditor to sign the agreement. Charles Parkhurst seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. The repairs on the aging chiller have been over $30,000 this year alone.

Chairperson Steve Kenkel then reported that Franklin County has joined in the county coalition that is defending counties in the pipeline issues. Kenkel read the following statement: “Shelby County is appealing the district court’s July 10,2023 order granting Summit’s motion for preliminary injunction. The appeal will be heard by a panel of 3 judges from the United States Court of Appeals for the Eight Circuit. The Eighth Circuit will consider whether the district court committed err in granting an injunction against the ordinance. The Eighth Circuit will issue its opinion either affirming or reversing the district court. The case will then be sent back down to the district court for further proceedings. Our legal counsel feels we have strong arguments for appeal and our insurance carrier ICAP, supports and will be covering the appeal legal expenses. “

The Supervisors were then presented with Building and Grounds use applications for two fall events, the Forgotten Arts event and the Southwest Iowa Art tour. The Auditor reported that no issues have been reported for either of these events in the past years. Parkhurst made a motion to approve the applications, Schaben seconded the motion, the motion passed.

Todd Valline of the Shelby County Chamber of commerce and Industry update his organizations current events and projects.

Brandon Burmeister gave a report of Secondary Road happenings and asked the Supervisors to approve a utility permit for Windstream Communications. Parkhurst made a motion to approve the upgrade, Schaben seconded the motion, the motion passed.

Burmeister also discussed Secondary Road project including culvert coating being used to extend the life of metal culverts.

The annual Urban Renewal Report completed by the Auditors office was presented for the yearly supervisor inspection and approval. Parkhurst made a motion to approve the certificate. Scheben seconded the motion, the motion passed.

Having no further business the meeting was adjourned.