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Cass County Supervisors act on Solid Waste Loan Resolution, Credit Card Policy & more


August 8th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – The Board of Supervisors in Cass County (IA) met this (Tuesday) morning at the courthouse, in Atlantic. During their session, the Board discussed consenting to the issuance of a Solid Waste Facilities Revenue Capital Loan Note by the Cass County Environmental Control Agency Board (Landfill). Board Chair Steve Baier..

Supervisor Steve Green explained the loan will be capped at (Authorized up to…) $1.5-million, but is expected to come-in much less than that.

Basically, it involves putting a permanent cap over the current landfill area. A public hearing on the matter will be held at the Cass County Courthouse beginning at 6-p.m., on August 22nd. It was noted also, that the County is not coming after tax dollars, because it is a loan, and not a bond. The pre-approved loan is through the State Revolving Loan Fund – which has a low interest rate. It will be paid back through revenues generated from the Transfer Station. The term of the loan is 20-years.

The Board also discussed the County use of local banks that contribute to the community for the checking account. Supervisor Bernard Pettinger commented the County currently gets Zero-percent interest on its investment account at Wells Fargo Bank, here in Atlantic.

Supervisor Wendy Richter said the information from County Treasurer Tracey J. Marshall shows the rates at Wells Fargo are not that low.

Pettinger and Supervisor Mark O’Brien recommended the County switch its checking account from Wells Fargo to another, local bank. A specific bank was not mentioned. Ultimately, Tracey Marshall has the final say in whether or not the accounts remain with Wells Fargo. The Board agreed to recommend the County use local banks in its financial transactions.

With regard to the County Employee Credit Card Policy, Deputy Auditor Sheri Karns said she’s been in contact with the County’ accounting firm, who recommended one card each, per county office.

Steve Green said he thinks the County needs to downgrade the amount of credit cards in circulation. After lengthy discussion, the Board agreed to adopt the policy as revised.

The Board of Supervisors, Tuesday, agreed to send a letter of communication to the tenant at 707 Poplar Street (The Cambridge Law Firm), with regard to their share of the utilities on the leased part of the building. The tenant has been paying a flat fee of $420 per month for the past eight-years, for utilities, pro-rated for the square footage of their part of the building, or 60%. Current rates would make that $639 per month. The letter asks the Firm for the amount of utilities they owe according to the lease. That amounts to $17,324.

In his weekly report to the Board, County Engineer Trent Wolken updated the Supervisors on bridge projects. He said they’ve also been adding spot road rock where needed.