United Group Insurance

Cass County Supervisors approve funding for County Employees Wellness plan


May 30th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – The Cass County Board of Supervisors, Tuesday (today), approve funding for the Cass County (Employees) Wellness Plan, which they discussed during a work session last week. Board Chair Steve Baier and Supervisor Steve Green…

Cass County Engineer Trent Wolken updated the Board on Secondary Roads Department activity, which includes the continuation of road rock hauling in the Atlantic District, and various bridge construction projects, including Bridge #32, the deck for which is expected to be poured later this week, and work on Bridge #380 is continuing in Anita.

He said also, some new equipment has arrived, including a forestry head for an excavator that helps to clear ditches. It’s currently in use about three miles south of Cumberland. Other pieces of equipment are scheduled to arrive.

The Board approved Iowa Retail Permit Applications for nicotine products (Cigarettes/Tobacco/Nicotine/Vapor), for the Griswold Dollar General, and Massena 21st Century Co-Op C-Store.