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More statehouse drama over positioning of Iowa Caucuses


April 13th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – A key Iowa Democrat is hinting his party might sue if the Republican-led legislature passes a bill to forbid Democrats from using a mail-in system for participation in the 2024 Iowa Caucuses.

Scott Brennan, a former chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party, is one of Iowa’s representatives on the Democratic National Committee. “I am a practicing lawyer and I have my own thoughts on the subject but maybe, ultimately, somebody will have to make a decision who’s wearing a black robe,” Brennan told statehouse reporters late this morning.

Republicans on a House committee have approved a bill that would require in-person participation in the Iowa Republican and Democratic Party Caucuses. New Hampshire’s Secretary of State has said if Iowa Democrats use mail-in voting for their 2024 Caucuses, New Hampshire’s presidential Primary would be moved ahead of Iowa’s Caucuses.

Scott Brennan. (file photo from Iowa PBS)

Republican Representative Bobby Kaufmann said his bill is about saving the Iowa Caucuses. “If we do nothing, we lose first in the nation status period,” Kaufmann said. “When you do mail in, it’s a primary. New Hampshire is obligated by law to jump us. This bill is protecting the integrity of the Iowa Caucuses for Republicans and Democrats.”

Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee suggest Kaufmann as the bill’s sponsor has a conflict of interest because he is a paid senior advisor to Donald Trump’s Iowa Caucus campaign. Brennan, the former Iowa Democratic Party chairman, said Democrats were blindsided by Kaufmann’s bill, which was publicly released this week.

“It’s a solution in search of a problem. I don’t understand it. It makes no sense,” Brennan said. “We have decades of history where the two parties came together and talked about issues important to Iowans in our (Caucus) process. Nothing this time.”

National Democrats have voted for five other states to lead the voting in the 2024 presidential campaign and Brennan said Iowa Democrats have not yet announced when or exactly how they will conduct their Caucuses next year.