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Moore on the issues, week 13 in the Iowa House


April 7th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Des Moines, Iowa) – The Iowa House of Representatives passed 13 bills with 11 having bi-partisan or unanimous support. Republican Representative Thomas Moore, from Griswold, in his weekly report, highlighted the Parent Empowerment Bill. The Iowa House of Representatives he says, passed SF496 which contains many education proposals. The House amended this legislation, sending it back to the Senate for their consideration. It does the following and has a number of requirements:

Among the requirements, is: Full access to an online library;  The identity of parent/guardian who requests removal must be kept confidential, and Students are no longer allowed on book review committees. Moore said there are sections of the bill that pertain to Parents Rights Language, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Survey Language, and Special Education/Home School Language.

With regard to the Special Education section of the bill…

Other amendments to SF496…

If a student requests an accommodation for a gender identity different than their sex at birth, the bill says the teacher must report that to the their administrator and the administrator contacts the parent/guardian.

Rep. Tom Moore (R-Griswold)

Representative Thomas Moore can be reached at tom.moore@legis.iowa.gov and (712) 789-9954. If you would like to set up an in-person meeting or would like to visit the capitol please let him know.