United Group Insurance

Cass County 4-H’ers Receive Awards at County Convention

Ag/Outdoor, News

November 11th, 2022 by Ric Hanson

Cass County 4-H’ers and their families, volunteers and supporters gathered on Sunday, November 6th to celebrate the 2021-2022 4-H year at the 2022 County Convention. 4-H leaders reaching milestones were recognized for their service.  Receiving ten-year recognition were Charity Mundorf of Griswold Clubsters, Melissa Johnson of Grove HOT, and Kristy Pellett of Pymosa. Serving as a leader in Cass County for 35 years in is Jerry McCrory of the Union Leaders 4-H Club.

The 4-H Alumni Award given to a 4-H alumni that has stayed active in supporting the local 4-H program, was presented to Delbert & Lana Westphalen. Delbert and Lana have been an active part of the 4-H program for many years. Delbert has served as a member of Endowment Committee. Lana was a longtime King and Queen Superintendent. Lana was a Club leader for many years and their kids were also active in the program. They have continued to support the 4-H program in countless other ways through the years.

Tom Robinson received the Honorary Member award as a non-4-H’er that offers support and assistance to the local 4-H program.  Tom is very supportive as he helps Washington GEM 4-H Club do a radio ad each year. He also volunteers his time at county fair to emcee the Clover Kid Animal Showcase and announce the golf cart races. He is very visible and supportive of 4-H all year long.  (Photos below and story info. courtesy Cass County ISU Extension)

Pictured Left to Right: Trista Swain, Brock Henderson, Kristy York (podium) Miraylie Stuart, Claire Pellett, Olivia Olson, Keira Olson, Rio Johnson, Lily Johnson, Maddy Anderson, Parker Brock, and Elizabeth Anderson.

The Distinguished Service Award was presented to the late Cindy Koll and Something for You. Her family accepted the award on her behalf. This award goes to a business, group or organization within the community that has provided outstanding service to the 4-H program. Cindy has been active in supporting Cass County 4-H and the county fair. She was a cashier at the food stand for multiple years. At the store, Something For You, she would always help 4-H members with their fabric selection and would allow them to come back to get assistance with their quilting if needed. Following her passing this 4-H year, her support will be greatly missed.

Members and leaders of all eleven 4-H clubs in Cass County were presented on stage to receive recognition for club activities throughout the year and project awards. Intermediates and Junior 4-H members who completed a record book could also apply for project awards. Leaders review and nominate youth for project awards and overall awards based on their record.

The following juniors and intermediates received awards, listed by club. Members with an asterisk (*) next to their name denotes a member whose overall record book received a star award, a high rating.

Pictured Left to Right, Back Row: Parker Brock, Elizabeth Anderson, Rio Johnson, Brock Henderson, Keira Olson, Lily Johnson. Front Row: Claire Pellett, Trista Swain, Olivia Olson, Miraylie Stuart, and Maddy Anderson.

Bear Grove Blazers: *Catherine DeBord– Beef, Food & Nutrition, Swine, Visual Arts, *Dylen Dreager– Swine, *Keagan Dreager– Swine, *Walker Gary– Mechanics, Photography, Poultry, Visual Arts, *Michael Hocamp, *Mya Hocamp– Pets, *Lynsie Kardell– Meat Goat, Swine, *Macie Kloewer– Rabbit, Visual Arts

*Maggie Kloewer– Rabbit, Visual Arts, *Sophia Retallic– Food & Nutrition, *Basilio Sekap– Rabbit, Poultry, and *Nolan Sunderman– Self-Determined.

Benton Franklin: *Brookelyn Steffen– Beef, Food & Nutrition, Swine, and *Brylee Steffen– Beef, Food & Nutrition, Sewing & Needle Arts, Swine, Visual Arts

 Cowpokes: *Kayedance Sturm– Horse and Pony

Grant Guys and Gals: *Kinsey Burg– Food & Nutrition. Photography, Visual Arts, *Macy Burg– Citizenship & Civic Engagement, Photography, Woodworking, *Ada Hansen– Beef, Clothing & Fashion, Food & Nutrition, *Isaac Hansen– Beef, Citizenship, Food & Nutrition, Visual Arts, *Jenna Jensen– Beef, Food & Nutrition, Health, Outdoor Adventures, Swine, *Emma Meyer- Sheep, *Kennedy Meyer- Sheep, *Leah Ohms- Beef, Child Development, Sheep, Sewing & Needle Arts, Photography, Visual Arts, and *Kylee Wessling- Clothing & Fashion, Photography, Rabbit, Woodworking

Griswold Clubsters: *Raylea Amos- Beef, Clothing, Visual Arts, and *Josie Millikan– Family & Consumer, Management, Personal Development

 Grove HOT: *Lily Johnson– Clothing & Fashion, Goat, Photography, Poultry, Sewing & Needle Arts, Claire Schroder– Poultry, Rabbit, Sewing & Needle Arts, Sheep

Pleasant Noble United: *Conlan Amos- Visual Arts

Pymosa: *Olivia Olson- Woodworking, and *Miraylie Stuart- Beef

Union Leaders: *Oliver Becker– Goat, Photography, Poultry, Sewing & Needle Arts, *Bay Erickson- Clothing, Food & Nutrition, Home Improvement, and *Bryson Lee- Food & Nutrition, Photography

Washington GEM: *Colton Anderson, *Maddy Anderson, *Jacquie Freund– Horticulture, *Grant Petty, and *Quincy Robinson

Senior project awards were also presented. High school members turn in their record book at the club level to be reviewed then leaders nominate youth’s project records to be reviewed again at the county level. These project records should be well organized, neat, and show evidence of solid Citizenship, Communication, and Leadership. Points received determines if platinum, gold, silver, or bronze award is given. Senior project awards are listed by clubs.

Bear Grove Blazers: Elizabeth Anderson – platinum for Photography; Carter Witzman – platinum for Swine; Bryan York – platinum for Food & Nutrition, Home Improvement, Horticulture, Photography, Sewing & Needle Arts, and Visual Arts

Benton Franklin: Brock Henderson – gold for Beef

Grove HOT: Parker Brock – gold for Food & Nutrition and silver for Communications; Conner Johnson – gold for Photography and Poultry;  Rio Johnson – platinum for Clothing & Fashion, Communications, Dog, Food & Nutrition, Home Improvement, Pets, Photography, Poultry, Sewing & Needle Arts, and Visual Arts

Pleasant Noble United: Kaily Swain – platinum for Rabbit and Swine; and Trista Swain – platinum for Goat, Rabbit, and Swine

Pymosa: Keira Olson – platinum for Leadership; Claire Pellett – platinum for Beef and Food & Nutrition, gold for Dog and Home Improvement

Union Leaders: Rachel Becker – gold for Beef and Goat

All Seniors who complete record books are reviewed at the club level as well as the county level. Records are rated on organization, orderly, neat appearance, as well as for spelling and grammar. Points received determines if platinum, gold, silver, or bronze is awarded for overall record keeping award winners by club:

Bear Grove Blazers:  Elizabeth Anderson – platinum, Mia Kloewer – gold, David Retallic – platinum, Carter Witzman – platinum,  Bryan York – platinum

Benton Franklin: Brock Henderson – platinum

Grove HOT: Parker Brock – gold, Conner Johnson – gold, Rio Johnson – platinum

Pleasant Noble United: Kailey Swain – platinum, Trista Swain – platinum

Pymosa: Dayna Dreager – gold, Keira Olson – platinum, Callee Pellett – gold, Carter Pellett – platinum, Claire Pellett – platinum

Union Leaders: Rachel Becker – platinum, Sydney Becker – silver, Tristan Becker -silver

 Bryan York of Bear Grove Blazers received an award for the overall senior record book.

Senior 4-H’ers could also apply for County-Level awards, which required a special application and information regarding their overall 4-H experiences. Those were awarded as follows: Maddy Anderson received Merit Award, Elizabeth Anderson received Achievement Award, Trista Swain received Citizenship Award, Rio Johnson received Leadership Award, Brock Henderson received Learning through Leadership Award, Bryan York received the Danforth “I Dare You” Award.

Members who were participated in activities were asked to stand to be recognized. Members stood who served on a county committee, attended State 4-H Conference, applied for State Project Awards, participated in Club Volleyball, attended the multi-county Speak Out for Agriculture bus trip, attended Officer training or a county workshop along. Members also stood if they participated in a summer or winter camp, or exhibited at the Iowa State Fair this past year.

The 2022 County Fair Herdsmanship Winners were announced. Each club received a certificate and $25 for their club per species they won. Cowpokes won Horse Herdsmanship. Grove HOT won Poultry Herdsmanship. Pleasant Noble United won Goat Herdsmanship. Pymosa won Rabbit and Beef Herdsmanship. Washington GEM won Sheep and Swine Herdsmanship.

Bear Grove Blazers was recognized for the top window display during  National 4-H Week, top community service project, and as the Banner Club winner this past 4-H program year.

Top Officer Books were reviewed and announced. Top Secretary Book was from Pymosa 4-H club, Top Treasurer Book was Pleasant Noble United and Top Historian’s book was Washington GEM.

The afternoon concluded with the installation of eleven senior level 4-H’ers onto the 2022-2023 4-H Youth Council. Members are, Elizabeth Anderson of Bear Grove Blazers, Maddy Anderson of Washington GEM, Parker Brock of Grove HOT, Brock Henderson of Benton Franklin, Lily Johnson of Grove HOT, Rio Johnson  of Grove HOT, Keira Olson of Pymosa, Olivia Olson  of Pymosa, Claire Pellett of Pymosa, Miraylie Stuart of Pymosa, and Trista Swain of Pleasant Noble United.