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Atlantic School District enrollment numbers are up; iJag numbers down slightly


October 12th, 2022 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa/updated) – The Atlantic School District’s Board of Education met this (Wednesday) evening in the High School Media Center. During their session, the Board received an iJag Program Update from iJAG Instructor Guy Somers.

Somers said also, he’s trying to build relationships with 9th and 10th graders to get them interested in what the program has to offer, and that “we will get our numbers up,” and that he’s “Excited about different things going on in the program that show growth individually for students.” That includes the Atlantic iJAG program’s first internship/apprenticeship, thanks to Camblin Mechanical.

Other employers who have active internships in the trades (engineering, manufacturing, and more), and are part of “Future Ready Iowa,” have been invited to be guest speakers at the Careers Day. A different employer will also be brought in every two weeks, to talk about what makes their business interesting as a career opportunity. Guest speakers are set-up to appear on Thursdays, with students performing community service on opposite weeks.

The students are only required to serve 15 hours of community service as part of the program, but Somers said they’ll do much more than that, because it’s part of the “Key to success.” iJAG stands for Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates. The program for High School Juniors and Seniors connects businesses and education, to provide the most cost-effective dropout prevention and school career solutions. 22 Seniors were enrolled in the program during the 2021-22 school year. The Atlantic School Board approved participation in iJAG in April, 2021.

In his report to the Board, Superintendent Steve Barber said the District’s Certified Enrollment numbers that will be submitted to the State, are up from last year, and overall up by 100 students, over the past two-years.

The Pre-Kindergarten through fourth grade statewide voluntary preschool is four students less than one year ago (does not include IEP four-year-olds). The total number of school-aged students served in Atlantic is 1,517, an increase of 40.9. The figures also include 5.5 more E.L. students. In other business, the Atlantic School Board approved the resignations of: Shelby Briggs, Washington Paraeducator; Adam Smith, Middle School Wrestling Coach, and Trace Petersen, MS Track Coach. The also approved Superintendent Steve Barber’s contract recommendations for the following:

  • Evan Adamon, TLC Mentor & NHS Sponsor
  • Samantha Gunderson & Jessica Burchman, HS Paraeducators
  • Traci Luke, Sp. Ed Car/Suburban Driver
  • Matt  Best, 9th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, & Ed Den Beste (Interim) 9th Grade Boys Basketball Coach
  • Michaelin Juhl, Junior Class and Prim Sponsor
  • Kelsey Haupert and Aaron Koontz, Volunteer Cheer Coaches
  • Dayna Nakashima, Interpreter/Transcriber

High School Assistant Principal/Activities Director Andy Mitchell submitted, and the Board approved, his recommendations for the Summer 2023 Sports Coaches: Weight Room Coordinator, Derek Hall; Head Softball, Terry Hinzmann; JV Softball, Molly O’Hara; 9th Grade Softball, Derek Handel; JV Baseball, Oran Perkins, and 9th Grade Baseball, Bodie Johnson.

The Board approved an application to the Iowa Dept. of Education’s School Budget Review Committee (SBRC), for a Modified Allowable Growth amount of $585,683.55 for a 2021-22 Special Education Deficit, which, if approved, would allow the District to receive that amount in additional spending authority. Last year, the deficit was $485,405.32. They also approved Scot Aden as the District’s Title IX/Equity Coordinator and related name change for related board policies. Josh Rasmussen had previously served in that capacity.

The Board approved a transfer of $2,000 to the Class of 2023 and $6,852.28 to the Class of 2024, from the Class of 2022 Activity Fund balance (The fund balance was $8,852.28 prior to the Board approved transfer). The Atlantic School Board approved Mr. Barber’s recommendation that they accept a $30,000 life insurance donation from the estate of Lillie Johnson, and to transfer those funds to the Atlantic School Foundation, according to the family’s wishes. Lillie Johnson’s son Steven, the executor of his mother’s will, contacted Mr. Barber last Spring informing him of the donation. The funds are to be used to support education scholarships for students who plan to attend a post-secondary school. The life insurance company had listed the School District as beneficiary, hence the need to transfer the funds.

In other School Board news, they approved a pay application in the amount of $201,777 for the Achievement Center roof capital improvements project, and a final payment of $21,868 for the High School south parking lot project, which closes out that project.