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Women’s Fund of Southwest Iowa funds 4 programs in the latest grant cycle


September 23rd, 2022 by Ric Hanson

(Southwest Iowa) – The Community Foundation for Western Iowa, formerly Pottawattamie County Community Foundation, announced today (Friday), that the Women’s Fund of Southwest Iowa’s latest grant cycle has awarded $45,000 in project funding to four organizations. Grants to the Council Bluffs Area Chamber of Commerce, Council Bluffs Schools Foundation, MICAH House, and the STARS Scholarship Program will support programming and projects that are focused on improving the quality of life and well-being of women and children in southwest Iowa.

“Empowering women in all phases of their life is the focus of the Women’s Fund of Southwest Iowa,” said Lucy Hough, board member and chair of the Women’s Fund of Southwest Iowa. “Since its inaugural year, the fund has awarded 19 grants to 17 organizations whose purpose is to enrich lives throughout our western Iowa communities by supporting programming for women’s safety and well-being, education, dynamic solutions for engaging seniors, and accessible, quality childcare options. Through the generosity of our donors, we have been able to make dreams a reality, and for that we are grateful.”

• The Council Bluffs Area Chamber of Commerce received a $5,000 grant to support their L.I.F.T. Mentoring Program, a joint endeavor between the Omaha chapter of the Human Resource Association of the Midlands and the Council Bluffs Area Chamber of Commerce that is focused on supporting talented professional women looking to restart their careers after an extended absence from the workforce. The L.I.F.T. Mentor Program provides opportunities for participants to receive a one-on-one professional mentor, get reacquainted with the local professional network, strengthen professional skills, broaden their perspective, explore new career paths, and experience a direct and guided mentorship.

The Council Bluffs Area Chamber of Commerce will serve 20 women per cohort, ages 18-61 and are returning to work in the metro area. Grant funding from the Women’s Fund of Southwest Iowa will support the interviews through the SurveyMonkey platform, print materials (handbooks) and advertising costs related to the program, and refreshments for the professional development workshops.

• The Council Bluffs Schools Foundation received a $20,000 grant to support the construction, equipment, furnishings and other construction-related costs of their new Early Learning Center that will serve nearly 200 at-risk students in full-day preschool and birth-to-3 childcare. Located at 8th Street and Avenue G, an area of high need and centrally located within the district, the Early Learning Center will house fourteen classrooms serving children from birth to five years old. Eleven classrooms will be designated for preschool-aged children, helping to achieve a district goal of providing universal full-day preschool for four-year-old children and high-need 3-year-old children, and three classrooms will serve children ages birth-to-3, with the ability to expand to six birth-to-3 rooms.

In addition to meeting the educational needs of students enrolled in the Early Learning Center, comprehensive child development programming would provide parent and family engagement; health, safety, mental health, medical, dental, and nutritional services; and the option of before- and after-school care provided in partnership with the Council Bluffs Schools Foundation to support parents’ needs for childcare extended beyond the regular school day.

MICAH House received a $10,000 grant to support construction costs of their “Building Beyond Shelter” Child Care Center project. MICAH House intends to build a 12,000 square foot child development center on the Charles E. Lakin Campus next to their existing homeless shelter. This center will serve up to 70 children in a trauma-sensitive and service-rich environment. The majority of the children served would be those staying at or in transition from MICAH House. The goal of the child development center is to eliminate barriers to access, provide in-depth assessments, and immediately start wrap-around services for children experiencing homelessness. Staff will work with families to transition children to permanent care settings that meet the family’s longer-term housing and employment goals.

Additionally, the capital campaign includes some light shelter renovations. The shelter is always nearly at capacity, and furniture and fixtures have been used daily since their installation in 2008. The focus of these improvements will be windows and window treatments, doors, closets, and beds.

• The STARS Scholarship Program received a $10,000 grant to support operational needs and childcare scholarships for STARS Scholars. Funding will assist the STARS Program’s seminar series, training for the program director, and the individual needs of STARS Scholars. Additionally, funding will also assist with childcare scholarships for students who are seeking affordable childcare while studying and/or working and are not applicable for state assistance.

The STARS Program supports low-income parents and custodial grandparents in Pottawattamie County in pursuit of college degree attainment. STARS assists with removing barriers, providing a scholarship for both direct or indirect expenses such as tuition, fees, books, childcare, and living expenses. STARS also offers programming designed to assist with career planning, financial planning, professional skills, and self-sufficiency. Over the last 25 years the STARS program has served over 400 scholars in pursuit of a post-secondary degree.

Additional information about the fund and granting guidelines can be found at www.ourpccf.org/womens-fund.
The Community Foundation for Western Iowa is nationally accredited by the Council on Foundations (www.cfstandards.org), is overseen by a volunteer board of leading citizens, and run by professionals with expertise in identifying the needs of western Iowa. As a tax-exempt public charity, 501(c)(3), that serves thousands of people who share a common interest in improving the quality of life in western Iowa, the Community Foundation also offers a 10% match (up to $250,000 per fund) for the creation of a charitable endowment fund or donation to an existing eligible endowment fund.