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Atlantic School Board News, 9/14/22


September 14th, 2022 by Ric Hanson

[UPDATED 9/15] (Atlantic, Iowa) – The Atlantic School Board, during their meeting Wednesday evening (Sept. 14), heard from representatives of the District’s Transportation staff, with regard to safety concerns and possible solutions to some issues associated with the transportation of students in district vehicles, and bus driver involvement in the annual active shooter training exercise, and bus driver pay. Bus drivers Denise Masker and Dave Wheatley spoke to the Board. Wheatley spoke with KJAN after the meeting, He said one of the concerns drivers have is discipline on the buses.

He said at the beginning of the year, some school districts have a contract drawn-up that spells out what the consequences for bad behavior on a bus will be.

With regard to bus driver pay, Wheatley said a survey indicated the Atlantic District’s drivers are the lowest paid drivers in the area. The danger, he says, is that some the drivers are being lured away to other districts.

Denise Masker he says, brought up the fact that on September 29th, there are six activities and six bus routes, so it will require 12 buses and 12 drivers, but there aren’t enough drivers. It’s not clear how the District will handle the situation. The Board took no action on the concerns that were brought-up, during their meeting, Wednesday.

In other business, in their Consent Agenda, the Board approved the resignation of school car driver Tracy Purkapile, and contract recommendations for three paraeducators, four bus monitors, two Speech/Date sponsors, two assistant Tennis Coaches, four Homecoming Float Sponsors, a Dance Team Volunteer Coach and a Football Volunteer coach. They also approved Superintendent Barber’s contract recommendation for Dr. Jumar Sadsad, as High School English Teacher (ELA).

Dr. Samsad, he said comes to the District from the Philippines. His H-1B non-immigrant work Visa depended on the Board’s approval of his contract, and be licensed by the Board of Educational Examiners.

(Mr. Barber said High School Principal Heather McKay “Has been working extensively with him in regards to that, and I think we’ve got all the pieces in place to get that process completed.” The process began in mid-July. The H-1B immigration process, he said “takes a little time to happen, so we’re not quite sure of the exact time, but in order for us to complete that process, he has to have a contract offered to him.”)

Dr. Samsad was schooled in the Philippines. A U-S Evaluator examined his credits, and recommended that the work he did overseas was equivalent, based “Upon the high standards that they have.” Samsad has five-years teaching experience. His contract would be pro-rated to the number of days he serves, dependent upon the day he starts. Board member Nick Hunt spoke in favor of extending a contract to Dr. Samsad. He said “I think it’s great that we’re exploring a new avenue, and we’ll all be interested to see how he contributes.” Board member Laura McLean added “We’re being resilient in our hiring environment.”

In the Action part of the agenda, the Atlantic School Board passed a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with regard to the Teacher/Paraeducator Registered Apprentice (TFRA) Program. Recently, Buena Vista University (BVU) was added to the eligible programs for the Southwest Iowa Consortium. The funds for the TFRA Program ($13,000) will come from a grant.

The Board approved also, revisions to the District’s Return-To-Learn Plan for mitigation measures related to those who test positive for COVID. The change (Previously mentioned), treats COVID in students as a communicable childhood illness. Adults who test positive would be required to isolate for five-days, with day zero being the first day of symptoms. Upon return, symptom free, the person affected will be encourage to use a mask for five more days. All illness policies remain in effect. The earlier mitigation policy called for a 10-day quarantine from the time COVID symptoms first appear.

The Atlantic School Board approved: Teacher Lane Advancements for six educators, in the amount of $11,240.64, and a Collective Bargaining Contract with Lynch Dallas, in the amount of $12,000. L-D is the District’s legal representative, and a long-time part of the negotiation team.