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May was warmer, drier than normal

News, Weather

June 1st, 2022 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa/KJAN) – State climatologist Justin Glisan says the numbers show the state May temperature average was slightly warmer than normal. “We look at the average for all our weather stations we are about one and a half degrees above average at 61 degrees,” he says. Glisan says there were some 80 and 90-degree days in the month that brought the average up. He says the warm days helped make it an active month for severe weather.

“We actually had a derecho clip the northwestern part of the state, also forming what we call a haboob — or a large scale dust storm that we don’t typically get in the midwest,” he says. Glisan says those storms brought rain with them and May ended up wetter than May of last year. “But we were still drier than average. We were about …. one-point-six-four inches below average,” Glisan says. “The driest conditions in the southeastern part of the state.”

Glisan says the end of May marks the start of the climatological summer season that will run through August 31st.

Weather data compiled at the KJAN Studios for the month of May, show we were nearly spot-on normal temperature-wise, but above normal in the amount of rain we received. The average High in May was 73, which matches the norm for the month. The average Low was 50, which is just one-degree warmer than normal. Rainfall amounted to 4.87 inches, which is .55″ more than what we would normally expect to see. The hottest day was on the 9th of May, when we reached 93 degrees.

Looking at the norms for June, the High averages 83, the Low 59, and rainfall typically totals just under 5-inches (4.98″). We’ll let you know how the actual numbers fared for June, on July 1st.