United Group Insurance

Malvern residents warned not to put used motor oil in w/the trash


April 8th, 2022 by Ric Hanson

(Malvern, Iowa) –  Officials with the City of Malvern are warning residents not to put used motor oil in with your trash for pickup. Not only is the practice dangerous for Iowa’s water and soil quality, but it is against the law to dump in the landfill. Operators with Konfrst Trash informed the City of refuse containing used motor oil that was found during this week’s garbage collection. A picture shows when the trash was compacted inside the garbage truck, the oil leaked and was spread inside the hopper/compactor and collection box.

Photo from the City of Malvern Facebook page.

The City is are asking for the public’s help to make sure this does not continue to happen. Officials said on social media, that “If the problem persists, the City will pursue a municipal infraction of up to $750 and refer any future violations to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for prosecution including fines and the possibility of imprisonment.”