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CAM School Board approved 2022-23 School Calendar; Passes Certified Budget


April 12th, 2022 by Ric Hanson

(Anita, Iowa) – The CAM School Board, Monday night, held public hearings on the proposed 2022-23 School Calendar and 2022-23 Certified Budget as published. Superintendent Paul Croghan told KJAN News there were no comments received, therefore the board, in their action segment, approved the School Calendar with very few changes.

The adjusted calendar, he said, calls for the the current school year ending Friday, May 27th with a four-hour early dismissal, due to days missed on account of weather and play-off football.

The 2022-23 calendar includes a two-hour early dismissal on Wednesday’s.

And, they passed the budget, for which the tax asking is slightly lower than last year.

Mr. Croghan said the CAM School Board approved the resignations of ___ staffers.

And, they approved contracts for…..

In other business, the CAM School Board approved a technology purchase amounting to $313,826.25, for teacher laptops, student Chromebooks, an I-Pad, desktops for secretaries, and the nutrition program.