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Cass Supervisors accept Auditor’s resignation


February 22nd, 2022 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – The Cass County Board of Supervisors, Tuesday, accepted “With regret,” the resignation of long-time County Auditor Dale Sunderman, effective April 15, 2022. The Board then acted on approving the method of finding a successor. They determined it would be best to appoint a person rather than go through the cost and tight timeline for a special election. A posting (Advertisement) for the open position will go out today (Tuesday) in the local papers for publishing in the earliest edition, the County’s website and professional websites within Iowa (such as ISAC).

Application will be accepted until 4:30-p.m. March 7th. Interviews will be tentatively be conducted between April 9th and 14th. It’s anticipated a selection will then be made by April 18th. Allowing for time to whomever the Board selects to give a two-weeks notice to their employer, Board Chair Steve Baier said it’s hoped to have someone on-board by April 1st, training with Sunderman until his last day in office.

In his report to the Board, Cass County Engineer Trent Wolken said his crews were out early trying to keep the roads safe after the freezing drizzle/mist fell. A snow squall that came across not long afterward didn’t help their efforts, but things began to get a little better by mid-morning, Tuesday.

As far as other Secondary Roads activities are concerned…

He said prices on concrete box culverts keep going up. They were up 43% last year alone.

Prices for pipe are also up this year. Wolken said they’ve finished-up their five-year program, and will have a report ready in March. In the mean time, crews continue clearing brush and ditches, as necessary. In other business, the Board tabled action on appointing a Brighton and Massena Township Trustee, for lack of candidates. (Read the official “Notice of Intent to fill the vacancy in the Office of Cass County Auditor by Appointment,” below…)

“Pursuant to Iowa Code, the Cass County Board of Supervisors intends to make an appointment to fill the vacancy in the office of Cass County Auditor at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, April 18, 2022, in the Board of Supervisors meeting room at the Cass County Courthouse in Atlantic, Iowa. The person appointed will conduct the duties of that position until the seat appears on the General Election ballot in November 2022 or earlier if a Special Election is ordered. Persons interested in the appointment must submit a letter of interest and a resume no later than March 8, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. Requirements must be sent to the Cass County Auditor’s Office, 5 W 7th Street, Atlantic, Iowa, 50022. They can be mailed, hand-delivered or put in the drop box located at the Courthouse.

Notice is further given that the electors of Cass County have the right to file a petition in accordance with Code of Iowa 69.14A requesting a Special Election. Said petition shall be filed with the County Auditor within 14 days after the vacancy is filled by appointment. The petition shall meet the requirements of Code of Iowa 331.306, which, in part, states the petition must be signed by a number equal or greater than at least 10 percent of the votes cast in the County for the office of President at the proceeding General Election which equals to 734 signatures.”