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Reminder: Your 3-G phone could soon go dark


January 11th, 2022 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – It was once the fastest and best service available — but the 3-G network phone service is now going away. Iowa Utilities Board spokesman, Don Tormey, says you may be without service soon. “If your mobile phone is more than a few years old — you may need to upgrade your device to avoid losing service before your mobile provider shuts down its 3-G network. And that transition is beginning with some providers this month,” Tormey says.

He says the impact depends on how you see your phone. “Some consumers like to switch their phones all the time whenever they’re eligible for an upgrade. There’s others, if there’s nothing wrong with their phone they don’t want to mess with it,” he says. “If people have had their phone for more than a few years, they should really check with their provider to see if they are impacted by the 3-G transition.” Phones aren’t the only thing that might be impacted. He says if you have a medical device, tablet, smartwatch, vehicle s-o-s device, or home security system that uses 3-G service, you’ll want to check with your provider as well.

You can find out more information on the I-U-B website. He says you can also go to the F-C-C’s website. “And this transition is going to take some time — it’s not all going to happen in the month of January. It’s a phase out, so it happens over time,” Tormey says.Tormey says the phaseout is will vary by company and their timelines.