United Group Insurance

August 2021 weather recap for Atlantic


September 1st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

The month of August in Atlantic was slightly warmer than average during the day, and nearly average on the cool side. The Average High of 87 was about four-degrees warmer than normal, while the Average Low of 62 was just one-degree shy of normal. The warmest day was August 23rd, when we topped out at 95. And, on the Low side of the thermometer, Aug. 49-degrees was popular for a few days. The temp was set on the 13th, 14th and 15th.

Precipitation-wise, despite heavy rain at the end of the month, Atlantic still ended-up with a deficit of .72″, even thought our total for the month was 3.16-inches. Normally, we receive 3.83 inches of rain in August. The most rain fell on the 30th, at 2.1-inches. The last time we received in excess of two-inches of rain in a single day, was back on Aug. 17, 2019.

Looking ahead to the month of September, we can expected an Average High of 76-degrees, an Average Low of 51, and rain typically amounting to 3.81-inches. We’ll let you know how the data compared to the norm,  when we compile the data on October 1st.