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Public Hearing on the budget during CAM School Board meeting, Monday


April 11th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

A public hearing will be held beginning 6:30-p.m. Monday (April 12), with regard to the FY 2021-22 CAM Community School District Certified Budget and School Calendar. The meeting takes place prior to the regular CAM CSD Board meeting, during which the Board will discuss and take action on (D/A):

  • Approving the 2021-22 Calendar and Budget as presented
  • Renewal of an Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Natural Gas Program agreement
  • Approving a Purchasing Agreement with the AEA for 21-22.
  • Approving an MSW (Master of Social Work) Agreement for 21-22 CSD/GHAEA (CAM School District/Green Hills AEA)
  • Approving the list of graduating seniors for the CSD and Connections Academy
  • A review and awarding of a bid for vehicles
  • and, approval of an out-of-state trip for the After Prom event

The CAM School Board will also received a presentation by the Nodaway Valley FFA and Ag Issues Team, and hold discussion with regard to Daycare, in Massena. They will act on any Personnel matters (New hire, resignations, etc.) to come before them, and receive a Facility Update.

Their final order of business is to hold an Exempt session for strategy negotiations.