United Group Insurance

RED FLAG WARNING for most of Iowa today! (3/29/21)

News, Weather

March 29th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

A RED FLAG WARNING is in effect from Noon today (Monday) until late this evening all but extreme northeast Iowa, and far western Nebraska, for Extreme Fire Weather Conditions. In addition, a WIND ADVISORY remains in effect from Noon today until late this evening. A combination of warming temperatures, strong southerly wind, low relative humidity, and relatively dry prairie grasses and other fuels will create extreme fire weather conditions. Any fires that start this afternoon may spread rapidly and become uncontrollable.

Red Flag Warning for counties shaded in pink

* Relative Humidity…Minimum relative humidity between 20 and 30 percent during the afternoon.

* WIND…Strong south to southwest winds with sustained speeds of 25 to 35 mph, with gusts over 50 mph possible.

* FUEL…Prairie grasses and any lingering crop debris will dry out quickly in these conditions and may be able to burn easily and lead to extremely fast fire growth.


A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of
strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior.