United Group Insurance

January 2021 weather in Atlantic: Warmer & wetter than normal


February 1st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

Weather during the month of January 2021, here in Atlantic, was once again slightly warmer, and much wetter than than normal. Data compiled at the KJAN studios (The OFFICIAL National Weather Service reporting/record keeping site for Atlantic), show the Average High for the month was 33 (33.4), which was a four-degrees above normal.

Our warmest day was January 20th, when the thermometer reached 48. The Average Low was 16 degrees (16.2), which is nearly seven-degrees above normal. Our coldest morning was Jan. 27, at -8. Rain and melted snowfall for the month amounted to 2.04 inches, which was 1.2 inches above normal. Snowfall amounted to a whopping 18.2 inches.

During the month of February, in Atlantic, the Average High is 35.4-degrees, the Average Low is 15.2, and rain/melted snow typically amounts to .96-inches.