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Atlantic School Board & Non-Certified Staff Collective Bargaining Units present 1st proposals


February 3rd, 2021 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic School Board and Collective Bargaining Unit officials representing the Non-Certified Union Staff presented their initial bargaining proposals during an approximately 15-minute long session Wednesday afternoon, at the Middle School Media Center.  Superintendent Steve Barber told KJAN News the Union proposed an increase of 40-cents per person plus anyone eligible for STEP movement.

They also would like to have a 75-cent raise added to the wait time for bus drivers, for activity trips, as well as a 25-cent raise for Food Service, in addition to the 40-cent raise. They would also prefer some who have insurance through the school, for the school to pay a portion of the premium. Barber that the latter was “Not in the scope of negotiations,” but it was included nonetheless.

As for the District, it proposes those eligible employees move a step on the salary schedule, and increase the hourly wage by 10-cents, which comes out to a 1.61% increase, and a cost to the District of slightly more than $50,000, plus the duration of a one-year contract.

The next step is a closed session for continued negotiations on Feb. 17th, and hopefully a mutual agreement. If they are unable to come to a compromise, both sides would enter into mediation and as a last resort, arbitration. Barber said “We’re hoping we don’t need to do that.”