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Mills County COVID-19 vaccine update


January 5th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

Mills County Public Health Director Julie Lynes reports “Mills County Health is working with facilities in our county to allocate vaccine doses to the Phase 1A priority populations. Mills County will continue to provide updates for other priority populations as we receive additional allocations of vaccine. While right now, the vaccine is being made available to the priority populations, it is anticipated that by mid-2021, there should be enough vaccine for anyone who wants to receive it.”

The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) has partnered with county public health departments to begin vaccinating Iowans. Both vaccines are currently being administered in Iowa to the Phase 1A priority populations of health care personnel and long-term care residents and staff. As more vaccines become available, Iowa’s Infectious Disease Advisory Council (IDAC), will review guidance issued by the CDC’s advisory group after the Advisory Council on Immunization Practices (ACIP) further prioritizes populations to receive the vaccine in Iowa. IDAC is currently reviewing ACIP recommendations for Phase 1B and 1C priority populations.

Until vaccine is widely available to all, it is critical that Iowans continue to practice the mitigation measures that can slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
• Wearing a mask or face covering
• Practice social distancing with those outside your household
• Clean your hands frequently with soap and water
• Stay home if you feel sick