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House Democratic leader says GOP lawmaker should lose committee assignments


January 23rd, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – The top Democrat in the Iowa House is calling for a G-O-P lawmaker to be removed from his committee assignments. The top House Republican says it’s an attempt to stifle free speech. House Democratic Leader Todd Prichard says Republican Representative Dean Fisher of Montour has failed to publicly apologize for comments on Facebook about the election that Prichard describes as false and misleading. Prichard first raised the issue during a speech on the opening day of the 2021 legislature.  “It is up to us, the newly sworn leaders, to protect our country from the fate of further division,” Prichard said.

Fisher wrote on Facebook that there had been quote — “outright cheating” — unquote in Democratic areas of the country, but Fisher said Republicans would prevail because quote “our side has the guns.” Prichard says elected leaders cannot turn a blind eye to that kind of rhetoric, which Prichard says led to rioting at the U.S. Capitol. “For too long, politicians have not only enabled, but served as a willing partner in the spread of misinformation about election fraud,” Prichard said January 11. “…Until you have committed yourself to truth and democratic ideals, you lose any moral high ground that you may try to claim.”

Republican House Speaker Pat Grassley says Prichard is playing the exact partisan politics he denounced. Grassley says Prichard seems to believe that the right to free speech should only belong to those he agrees with.