United Group Insurance

Cass County Supervisors discuss County employees insurance plan and act on easement


January 17th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Board of Supervisors met last Tuesday morning and received information from Account manager Group Benefit Partners representatives Ryan Berven and Katie Schmit, with regard to renewal information for the County’s ISAC Group Health Program, the voluntary group dental program, and other ancillary products for FY2022.

According to Auditor Dale Sunderman, the County also has a mini-self-funded health insurance program and a flex benefits program administered by a third-party.  If the County continues with the current plan, renewal rates for the health plan are up approximately 9.5% from the current year’s rates.  The information was taken under advisement. Also during the meeting, Access Systems IT Account Executive Chase Nevins gave presentation to inform the Board of the IT solutions it has available for management of an IT network including cyber security.

Sunderman reports the City of Lewis requested an easement across a county owned parcel in the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of section 10 in Cass Township for an ingress/egress easement to access its lagoon site.  After short discussion, the Board approved granting to Lewis, a permanent easement for an access drive for ingress/egress to its lagoons.

Cass County Wellness Coordinator, Brigham Hoegh reported to the Supervisors, that additional funds may be available for the COVID Mobile Food program.  The Board may request an amendment to the current agreement.  She recommended requesting $40,000 more funds and a project completion time extension to the end of 2021. The Board unanimously approved a contract amendment to increase funding by $40,000 and a time extension thru Dec. 31, 2021 for the COVID Mobile Food program CDBG project.

The board also discussed making changes to the policy for allowances for use of personal cell phones for County business by employees whose job duties include the frequent need for a cell phone regarding both the amount of reimbursement and who qualifies.  After several minutes of discussion, the decision was to gather additional information and postpone consideration to a future board session.