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Riverside will move to Required Remote Learning


November 20th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Riverside Community School District Superintendent Dr. Tim Mitchell, Friday (today) issued a statement with regard to COVID-19. Mitchell says “Due to high numbers of student and staff absenteeism, Riverside will be moving to Full Required Remote Learning next Monday, November 23, 2020 and Tuesday, November 24. 2020. We currently have approximately 25% of the students at approximately 15% of the staff out due to testing positive for COVID-19 or being determined a primary contact and having the need to be in quarantine.  We plan to return to our traditional model on Monday November 30, 2020.”

Riverside Childcare, he said, will be open for the normal hours of operation. Teachers will discuss expectations with their students in their classes today. They will also make sure they take technology home.  If you need help with accessing the Internet please contact your school. Dr. Mitchell said also, “We will have meals available at each building. The student/parent/caregiver has to pick up at the building their student attends. If they have one in each building they will pick it up for that student at the  building they attend.  We are a closed site, providing for only enrolled students, and the eligible number for reimbursement is based on our enrollment number. Distribution 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Monday November 23, 2020.  Each meal packet will include food for two breakfasts and two lunches.”

According to the Superintendent, “Schools can immediately transition to remote learning for up to 48 hours. Because the 50-percent in-person instruction requirement is based on a two-week period, schools typically providing full-time in-person instruction can also move to remote learning for up to five days without needing approval for the Iowa Department of Education. Schools can make these local decisions based on local conditions.  The county positivity rate is just one factor that school districts and nonpublic schools should take into account, and it may not be indicative of the positivity rate among their students and staff. If a district or school chooses to use primarily remote instruction they are required to temporarily cease in-person extracurricular activities for the duration of the period.”

As of Friday (today), Pottawattamie County is 22.4% positive- for the14 day average.

You can access this information at:  % Positive Analysis-Public School District Summary