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Audubon School District to continue w/Return to Learn plan


October 21st, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Students in the Audubon Community School District can expect to continue with the four-day, in-person Return-to-Learn instructional plan. Superintendent Eric Trager said students will continue to attend classes in the District Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday is a remote learning and deep-cleaning day.

He says hopefully by January there will be a vaccine against COVID that will allow everyone to begin getting their lives and learning back to near normal. In related news, Trager said the Audubon School Board, Monday, approved Virtual Snow Days.

Trager said also, the District’s final enrollment numbers are down about 20, putting them at levels seen about two-years ago, but he says other districts have also experienced a decline, typically the result of the COVID pandemic. He hopes it’s just a blip, and not a more long-term trend.

Trager said also, the Board approved refinancing of a bonds, to take advantage of historically low interest rates, and to bond up to $1.5-million for the building renovation project.

Building project plan specs will be presented to the Board for approval Nov. 4th during a public hearing, with the project going out for bids on Nov. 8th. A public hearing on SAVE bond refinancing will be held 7-p.m., Nov. 16th. In other business, the Audubon School Board Monday, approved a Counsel agreement with Ahlers Cooney out of Des Moines. The District’s current attorney is retiring from school law.