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Des Moines School Board asks for new plan for in-person classes


September 16th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – The Des Moines School Board has directed the district’s superintendent to come up with a new plan for both in-person AND virtual classes, but during a meeting last (Tuesday) night, the board did not set a time frame for bringing students back into school buildings. The state’s largest district started the school year with most students taking classes online, without a state waiver to do so. Board member Kalyn Cody argues virtual instruction is safest at this point in the pandemic.

“I mean if we open up all 60 of our buildings, that’s 60 potential hotspots within a 20 mile radius, but that’s going to spread outward very, very quickly,” Cody said. Board member Kelli Soyer says she’s worried about the students who are struggling with virtual instruction. “It’s not working for everyone,” she said. Board member Terri Caldwell-Johnson agrees. “I feel like we’re failing a lot of our students,” Caldwell-Johnson said.

Board member Rob Barron says the district has to balance the need to protect staff with growing demands from parents who want their kids back in the classroom.”I don’t take lightly being out of compliance with the state, but even if we were to say: ‘Come hell or high water we are bringing everybody back in person,’ that doesn’t happen tomorrow,” Barron said. “We are still out of compliance probably at least a few weeks before we can turn that model around and bring kids back.”

A handful of parents spoke to the board during a period for public comment at the beginning of the meeting. Holly Kilborn-O’Neall says online classes provide the safest and most consistent connections for students and teachers. “This first week of school has gone remarkably well,” she said. Justin Minor is among 70 percent of parents who responded this summer that they wanted their kids to return to classrooms. “Let’s mask up and go to school,” he said.

There are about 33-thousand students in the Des Moines Public Schools.