United Group Insurance

6 more positive COVID-19 cases in Mills County


July 8th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Mills County Public Health officials today (Wednesday) report six new, confirmed cases of COVID-19. All of the cases are adults. Two are 18-40 years old, three are 41-60 years old, and one is 61-80 years old. The individuals contracted COVID-19 through community spread and through known contact. The latest additions brings to 43 the total number of cases in Mills County. 33 people have recovered from the virus.

Public Health Administrator Julie Lynes says the additional six positive cases today are a reminder to everyone that we should have a heightened awareness when in public. The Coronavirus is more widespread now than when Governor Kim Reynolds first issued her Public Health Disaster proclamation in March.

“Physical distancing is extremely difficult to maintain when large groups congregate in a confined area,” Lynes says. “Where the Iowa State Fair has been cancelled for the first time since World War II and neighboring counties have either cancelled or heavily modified their county fairs, the Mills County Fair Board is moving forward with the Mills County Fair. ”

Lynes goes on to say, “The Mills County Fair Board has a plan in place and Mills County Public Health has every expectation that the plan is fully implemented and followed. However, I am concerned about what health effects holding the Fair will have on the youth participating and others in attendance. I would encourage the public to use their good judgment when weighing the decision to attend events with large gatherings. If there’s a chance that you are going to be within six feet of someone outside your household, wear a face covering.”

Officials want to encourage all county residents to be safe. Remember that it is more important than ever to practice physical distancing, wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or elbow/upper arm and stay at home when you are ill.

For further statistical data available, in near real time, visit the Iowa Coronavirus webpage at