United Group Insurance

3 more positive COVID-19 cases confirmed in Mills County


July 17th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Mills County Public Health officials, Friday evening, said three new positive COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in the County. The new confirmed cases of COVID-19 are two individuals in the under 18 age range and one individual in the 18-40 year age range. They bring the total number of confirmed cases to 58. Four persons have recovered. Authorities say 2,253 people have been tested for the virus.

MCPH said also, “The responsibility is OURS, as a community, to help get rid of this virus. The virus needs us to pass it around because it cannot do that by itself. If every person that has the virus or has been exposed stays away from others, there is no one to infect and the virus does not survive.

“From a Public Health standpoint, mass gatherings or large events are a concern because of the movement of people, especially if it is in a tight space. The ability of individuals to protect themselves in a mass gathering is mitigated by the wearing of a facemask. If there is a confirmed case, we want to be able to identify and notify all those who may have been exposed and provide guidance. In all situations, we ask everyone to monitor themselves for symptoms and exclude themselves from participation if they are ill. This is the way we can protect each other.

We need you to help. Remember that it is more important than ever to practice physical distancing, wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or elbow/upper arm and stay at home when you are ill. Be mindful of those around you and remember that we are all in this together. Wear a mask if there is a possibility you will be within six (6) feet of someone you don’t live with.”