United Group Insurance

Show of support and prayers for victims of injustice and those in blue in Atlantic Wed. evening


June 3rd, 2020 by Ric Hanson

A crowd estimated at over 100 people gathered in Atlantic’s Sunnyside Park on a warm evening, Wednesday, to show they care about racial injustice and for those who protect and serve.

Pastor Ben Winford

Pastor Ben Winford with the New Life Church,  lead the event by saying “Racism is alive…it’s never been fully extinguished, and it still rears its ugly head from time to time.”

He said also, that while he prays justice is served swiftly for those who bring injustice upon others, he also prays for forgiveness for those involved, and that  the officers who were involved in the incident leading to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, would grieve over their actions and become better people.

Pastor Winford say “I know many of the fine men and women in blue and have worked alongside them I have seen their hearts for their community and have watched many times as they have gone above and beyond to ensure the safety of their neighbor, both physically and emotionally.”

He says “What one person does or says is not a blanket statement for those that all wear the uniform. Just as what one protestor does or says is not a blanket statement for those peacefully assembling, crying out for the unheard.” The biggest issue is not a political issue, he said “It is a heart issue.”

Winford said those gathered Wednesday night were there to say “enough is enough. I will no longer remain silent on either side.” He said in this instance, black lives do matter because they are oppressed and they have experienced things most of us will never experience. He asked those who could kneel, to do so, or bow their heads, in solidarity to say to the world that “Little Atlantic hears you and stands with you, and that George Floyd should not have been killed and that things have got to change.”

Afterward, those in attendance were welcome to enjoy hot dogs and bottle water.