United Group Insurance

Mills County officials report 2 more COVID-19 cases


June 22nd, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Mills County Public Health officials today (Monday), reported two new, positive cases of COVID-19. The total number of positive cases in Mills County now stands at 31, with 23 of those affected persons, having recovered from the virus. A total of 1,761 residents of the county have been tested for COVID-19.

The latest cases are adults. One is age 41-to 60. The other is 19-to 40-years of age. One case was the result of community spread. The other through close contact. Mills County Public Health reminds residents “It is now more important than ever to practice social distancing, frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and to cover coughs and sneezes with either a tissue, your elbow and/or upper arm. Also, please stay home if you are ill.