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Audubon School Board approves several action items


May 18th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Members of the Audubon School District’s Board of Education held an electronic meeting Monday night, during which they approved several action items on their agenda, including:

  • SU “Breakdown” Insurance for FY21. The SU Insurance Company’s Equipment Maintenance Program help’s districts free up general fund dollars by allowing the district to pay for repairs of school equipment. In the Audubon School District, that amounts to $34,339 and is paid for through the Management Fund.
  • The Board approved a bid from AE Dairy for milk. Superintendent Eric Trager said they have worked with AE Dairy for years.
  • The Board also approved Student Fees for FY 21. Mr. Trager said: student lunches were raised by five-cents, and adult lunches by a dime (Mandatory); The Breakfast fee went up five-cents for both students and adults; The snack fee went up $10 to $60 per year. The rate has not been raised for several years. The value of the snacks amounts to $180 per year, which is offset by donations. All other student fees remain the same as 2019-20.
  • The Audubon School Board tabled a decision on the sale of a home in Washington State. The condominium duplex was bequeathed to the District from the estate of Jeanette LaFoy, but the matter was put on hold, Trager said, because there was no money left to pay for attorney fees and related matters. The home was recently appraised for $205,000, and there was an interested buyer, but their initial offer was not acceptable. The District came back with $195,000, but Mr. Trager had not heard back as of Monday evening. If there’s no word by Tuesday, Trager said he would locate a local real estate agent, in hopes of listing it at $230,000 at the start.
  • The Board approved Bonding Regulations in their Policy, and a Resolution Authorizing an Official Statement for the Bond Sale, in the amount of $1.110-million dollars. Mr. Trager said that figure is comprised of $7.5-million for the General Obligation Bonds and $1.61-million for the Series 2020 Refunding Bonds.
  • And, the Audubon School Board approved the hiring of Andrew Renkin as Social Studies/At-Risk Teacher.

In his report to the Board, Superintendent Trager said the District’s Return to Learn plan, which is due July 1st, has three parts: Mandatory Remote Learning (what happens if school can’t be held?); A Hybrid plan (What happens if only half the students are allowed at any given time?); the third is a brick and mortar, back to normal plan ( What will be done to make sure everyone stays safe?). There is a team working on the plan in preparation for the deadline.

Trager said also, the District has received $68,483 from the CARES Act Fund, which he says they will hold in reserve for now, to pay for an extra week of school with regard to hourly staff, possibly pay for Summer School, and the unknowns impacts associated with COVID-19.