United Group Insurance

Cass County Supervisor’s news


April 30th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Board of Supervisors conducted and electronic meeting this (Thursday) morning, via Zoom conferencing. During their session, the Board held a Public Hearing with regard to funding the County has received for COVID-19 response. The County, working with the Cass County Food Policy Council, SWITA, County Food Pantries and Public Health, plans to increase capacity of the food delivery system and food access in Cass County, through a CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) in the amount of $86,580.

Afterward, the Board acted to approve resolutions adopting certain policies, rules and regulations during the performance of a CDBG, and they approved a Sale of Service Contract with SWIPCO/SWITA for the CDBG project. The Supervisors then acted to approve a Cass County/ISU Extension COVID-19 Mobile Food for All contract for the aforementioned CDBG.

In other business, the Board approved and amended resolution to appoint a Cass County Representative/Commissioner to the Regional Housing Authority for a three-year term, retro-active to April 9, 2020. And, they agreed to authorize the Southwest Iowa Mental Health/MHDS Governing Board representative to sign the amended SWIA MHDS 28-E agreement.

The Board the reviewed the deadline for employees to complete their Wellness Programs, in order to qualify for incentives that include a discounted health insurance premium contribution rate, and acted on approving the deadline.

And finally, the Cass County Supervisors opened, read and considered bids for a bridge replacement project (#263) at 700th Street and Independence Road, Four bids were received. A-M Cohron’s bid was $83,153.70; Cunningham-Reis’ bid was $75,900; Murphy Heaving Contracting submitted a bid of $110,800.10; The final bid was from Nelson and Rock Contracting, Inc. was for $169,400.

The Board elected to approve the bid from Cunningham-Reis.