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Atlantic City Council to hold several public hearings this Wednesday


March 16th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic City Council has a relatively short agenda for their meeting this coming Wednesday evening. There will be three public hearings followed by action on approving related resolutions. There will also be a slight re-arranging of the Council’s Chambers, in accordance with IDPH and CDC recommendations for a three-foot separation between individuals. The Chamber will be arranged so that Councilpersons are not in close proximity to each other. In addition, any council members who feel uncomfortable attending the meeting, will be allowed to call in.

The Public Hearing during their session cover: Adoption of the Final, Fiscal Year 2021 Budget for the City of Atlantic; Adoption of the FY 2021 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP); and on a “Proposal to Enter into a General Obligation Refunding Loan Agreement (#2), and to Borrow Money Thereunder.”

The Atlantic City Council will also act on Resolutions “Combining Loan Agreements, Authorizing a Loan Agreement, authorizing a Bond Purchase Agreement, and Authorizing the Call of Bonds; and setting the date for a Public Hearing (as April 1st, 2020) on designated the Expanded North Urban Renewal Area, and on an Urban Renewal Plan Amendment.

Their final order of business, prior to regularly scheduled reports, is to act on setting April 1st as the date for a Public Hearing on replacing Chapter 148 in the City Code of Ordinances (entitled Property Maintenance Codes) with “The International Property Maintenance Code.”

The Council’s March 18th meeting begins at 5:30-p.m.