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Cass County Supervisors assign tax sale certificate & hear from Conservation Director

Ag/Outdoor, News

January 14th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Board of Supervisors today (Tuesday) approved the assignment of a Tax Sale Certificate to Donna M. Hansen, of Massena. The Certificate applies to Lot 1 – Block 7, & Lot 6 – Block 6, in Massena’s First Addition, and a vacated street between the two lots. In other business, the Board heard from County Conservation Director Micah Lee. He started his report with an update on Cold Springs State Park. He said after the campground closed for the season, they had a leaky Iowa Hydrant [a hand-pump water source] galvanized line which was dug-up and replaced with a plastic line. The campground, including the shelter house, was winterized.

As far as the T-Bone Trail is concerned. Lee said since there hasn’t been much snow, they’ve been working on brush removal along the trail and some bridge decking repairs. There are still a few days of brush removal left to complete the work needed. At West Nodaway, he says they laid down a couple of more food plots and cleared about 15 acres of Cedar trees off of the property, burn the area and seed it with native grass/plants later this Fall. In the Nodaway Recreation Area, an apparent Muskrat den caused the road to sink over a foot, creating a big pothole. The area was dug out and repaired with large gravel. Lee says they hope to accomplish renovation work out there this Summer.

At the Pellett Memorial Woods north of KJAN, a split-rain fence was starting to rot out. Repairs are underway, and new, Interpretive signs and posts are being ordered for installation later on. Work continues as well at the Hitchcock House property, including the Grainery restroom, and at the Outdoor Classroom. Micah says the Conservation Department received a grant from the Schildberg Foundation for multi-media equipment in the Outdoor Classroom’s enclosed shelter. A large screen TV and Blu-Ray DVD player were purchased to replace an old tv and VCR. Users will be able to hookup a laptop computer to the device and run programs on the screen rather than by a projector.

The Outdoor Classroom is used for conservation department presentations, social events and outdoor groups. There is currently no fee charged for use of the shelter, but Lee says he agrees with the Supervisors that there should be a fee, especially in light of the electric connections, a new kitchenette, heat and water. The decision will be up to the Conservation Board. Micah said also, Cass County Naturalist Lora Kanning presented over 120 programs and saw about 2,300 people.

The Supervisors went into a closed session to interview a candidate for the County Engineer’s position, but no action was taken on hiring the individual following the session.