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Cass County Democratic Party Fundraiser Aug. 28th


August 13th, 2019 by Ric Hanson

Iowa’s Third District Congresswoman Cindy Axne will be in Atlantic on August 28th at The Venue, sharing the stage with the three Democratic candidates for the US Senate seat–Kimberly Graham, Theresa Greenfield, and Eddie Mauro.The doors open at 5-p.m., with the candidates speaking beginning at around 6:15-p.m.

Cass County Democratic Party Chair Sherry Toelle reports they will be in Atlantic to help the Cass County Democratic Party fundraiser for the local party.

Cindy Axne

Eddie Mauro

Kimberly Graham

Theresa Greenfield

According to County Chair Sherry Toelle, “This will be a great opportunity for residents of Cass County as well as the counties surrounding us to hear from the four candidates regarding their vision for the future and, for Axne, to also tell her story about the past seven months she has spent in Washington, DC. In a presidential election year, people tend to primarily focus on the presidential candidates, forgetting all about the as-important House and Senate elections. These candidates will directly affect our lives in a way the presidential race will not.”

Axne was elected to the US House of Representatives from Iowa’s Third District in 2018 and is running for re-election. She is among the Democratic members of the House who have passed over 100 bills that are sitting on Majority Speaker Mitch McConnell’s desk in the Senate, unable to move forward or even to be voted on. She has worked to secure workforce training and education and has worked on passing legislation to increase affordable rental housing options. She has also managed to secure an extra $3 billion dollars in flood relief for the Midwestern states, while creating a bill to support rural entrepreneurs, and holding corporations accountable for shipping American jobs overseas , and working to reduce healthcare costs while maintaining protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions. She has visited every county in her district at least once a month during her time in DC., earning her recognition as the most accessible member of Congress’ freshman class in June, 2019.

Kimberly Graham is an attorney. “I never thought in a million years I’d run for office. But it’s time for a government “by the people, for the people.” Senator Joni Ernst campaigned on a promise to “make ’em squeal” in Washington D.C. and get rid of corruption, but the only people squealing are Iowans harmed by her votes. My goal is to be the best senator money *can’t* buy.”  Theresa Greenfield is a small business owner. “Now, more than ever, Iowans need more leaders: a farm kid with farm kid values whose get-it-done attitude will help get things done for working families — from investing in education, to making it easier for small businesses to thrive, to cutting healthcare costs.”

Eddie Mauro is also a small business owner,  whose website calls him a “business owner, father, coach, community volunteer and former teacher who is committed to working hard to improve the performance of our government and empower people.”  Graham, Greenfield, and Mauro are running for the nomination in order to oppose Iowa’s current junior senator, Joni Ernst. A full dinner will be provided at a cost of $25 per person. Everyone is invited to attend the event. Toelle asks that you RSVP her by August 20th. She can be reached at shtoelle@gmail.com or at 243-4861.