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Update on the rescued “Exira 13” dogs – the road ahead


June 30th, 2019 by Ric Hanson

Audubon County Attorney Sarah Jennings, Saturday, posted an update on her social media page, with regard to the 13 dogs that were rescued this past week, from a property in Exira. The dogs were found Tuesday outside, in a muddy, chain-link dog run covered in a tarp that was sagging, with water collected from rain.

Jennings said in her posts, that she and “The sheriff’s department, Exira city clerk, Exira City Attorney, and the Animal Rescue League of Iowa [and I] have all been working together this week to determine their [our] next move regarding the 13 dogs previously rescued as well as how to handle the animals that remain on the property”

She said “As far as the two dogs that remain, a sheriff’s deputy and a member of the ARL went out to do a welfare check on Friday. Both dogs were found to be well-fed and properly hydrated, and they will have appropriate shelter. The ARL assured us that there was not a need at that time to seize either dog.”

And, with regard to the “Exira 13,” Jennings said that on Friday, she had a conference call with Scott Wilson from the ARL–the Intervention Coordinator who actually handled the removal of the 13 dogs–and Dr. Cates, the ARL’s veterinarian who has been personally treating the dogs. She said “The dogs are now at the ARL’s main shelter in Des Moines receiving much needed medical attention. I told them I wished to prosecute if possible, but I expressed concerns about the limits of Iowa’s animal neglect laws. Dr. Cates is familiar with the forensic aspects of veterinary medicine and is thus also all too familiar with the constraints of Iowa’s laws.”

She said also they had a discussion about the medical evaluation of the dogs. According to Jennings, “Dr. Cates could not testify that they had been deprived of food or water, and they were also found with adequate shelter. Those are the only three offenses in Iowa’s neglect statute for which [she] can charge.”

Ultimately, Jennings,Wilson and Dr. Cates concluded that she [Jennings] does not have a case for criminal animal neglect under Iowa’s laws. She said given the condition of the Exira 13 and other animals neglected around the State, there needs to be a change to “Iowa’s antediluvian animal neglect and abuse laws. This case is heartbreaking but it should also infuriate us. When the legislature is back is session, let’s have the Exira 13 and the people of Audubon County be the tipping point that finally pushes the senate to make this long overdue change. Please don’t forget this case when the time comes to take action.”

Jennings said also, “For now, the ARL needs our donations,” and she encouraged donations to the organization, a link to which you can find on Facebook at “Animal Rescue League of Iowa,” or on the Audubon County Attorney’s Facebook page, “Audubon County Attorney.”