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Cass County BOS approve purchase of HBI signs


June 11th, 2019 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Board of Supervisors, today (Tuesday), approved the purchase of three, Home Base Iowa [HBI] signs at a cost of $70 each. CADCO’s Jennifer Rosener McEntaffer said HBI is allowed six signs around the County, and funds have been raised for three of those signs. She said CADCO’s budget for the other three signs are stretched thin, and the Superisor’s help in buying the remaining three would be appreciated. The signs, she said would be placed by the Iowa DOT on both the north and south sides of Highway 71, with one coming into Griswold, the other into Massena.

The Board also approved a permit for the Ellison family’s fireworks display in the unincorporated area of the County, off Yankton Road. The private event will be held July 6th, and handled by a professional fireworks operator. Cass County Emergency Management Coordinator Mike Kennon said the local fire chiefs and the Communications Center appreciates being notified in advance of such events, to reduce the number of calls from concerned citizens, and so officials are ready in case anything goes wrong.

In other business, the Cass County Supervisors moved to allow or disallow new Business Property Tax Credits in according with the Iowa Code – on a case-by-case basis, and, an agreement for FY 2019 audit services (ending June 30) provided by Gronewold, Bell, Kyhnn & Company, CPA’s. The Board heard from Cass County Conservation Director Micah Lee and Conservation Board Member Judy Kennedy, with regard to resurfacing the roads at Cold Springs State Park, near Lewis, because of the amount of wear and tear they’ve sustained over the winter. Micah said the roads have not been taken care of in years, and this past winter “Did them in. They’re in dire need of being fixed.”

He mentioned that the County is apparently conducting road resurfacing on the Lewis to Highway 48 road, and that it might be a good time to tie-in with which ever contractor wins the bid, to have them handle the Park roads, because using REAP funds to resurface the roads, would deplete that fund. He said they spoke with a company who could do the work, but it would cost just shy of $114,000. Judy Kennedy said they’ve been trying to find ways to increase the interest in camping there, including a “Frequent Camper” punch card, spraying for mosquitoes and the overall level of enjoyment for persons to want to camp and enjoy nature. Micah Lee asked the Board if there was any way the County could help with the project.

The Board suggested Lee contact County Engineer Charles Bechtold, to find out what can and cannot be done, and details of the road project planned for outside of the park.