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O’Rourke discusses several topics during Atlantic visit


May 5th, 2019 by Ric Hanson

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke paid visits to communities in southwest Iowa Sunday, including Atlantic, where he spoke in a shelter at Sunnyside Park. During his approximately 20 minute speech before a large crowd, O’Rourke transitioned quickly between topics before opening the floor to questions. One of first topics he tackled was the economy, which he said was “…going gangbusters for a few people in this country.”

Beto O’Rourke in Atlantic (Ric Hanson/photo 5/5/19)

He asked why do we pay teachers and public school educators, etc., who work two or three jobs jobs, a fraction of what they are worth in order to make ends meet? He said those people should be paid a living wage, and we should begin to invest in world class public education that begins with Universal Pre-K for three- and four-year old’s. He said that will allow kids to catch-up and an even chance for success in life. O’Rourke admits it “Does not come cheap and it will not come easy, but it is something that…if we make that investment…will produce returns for the lifetime of that child, of their family and of this country.”

He was asked if he was in favor of Medicare for all. O’Rourke said there is already a proposal written by two women in the legislature entitled “Medicare for America.” He says it would allow people to keep their current employer-sponsored insurance, but if you cannot afford the co-pay, the premium or the deductible is too large, you would be free to switch to Medicare. O’Rourke drew a round of applause when he mentioned making community college free or at least fair, for every American who wants to attend, as a means to reduce the National Debt. He said also with the 45,000 funded, but unfilled clinical positions available with the Veterans Administration and in under-served school districts, if a person is willing to fill one of those positions, they should benefit from their effort. He said your college debt should be wiped clean so you can focus on public service and being back home instead of worrying about paying-off your heavy debt. He said also, since not everyone wants to go to college, it should be easier for a person to join a Union, learn a trade, become an apprentice, and command them a skill that will allow them to earn a living wage.

Speaking earlier, in Shenandoah, Sunday, O’Rourke repeated his calls to impeach President Donald Trump and drew a distinction between himself and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who’s declining any rush to proceedings.

O’Rourke said special counsel Robert Mueller’s report makes impeachment more necessary than ever. He said “proceedings in the House ensure that more of these facts come to light, ensure that the Senate can make a very informed decision about this president.” Asked about Pelosi cautioning against doing so O’Rourke answered, “That’s fine. We’re two different people.” O’Rourke said he really respects “the speaker and what she’s been able to do, but when asked my opinion I’ve got to give my opinion not anyone else’s.”