Housing needed in Atlantic for throngs of RAGBRAI riders
May 2nd, 2019 by Ric Hanson
Thousands of bicyclists will be rolling into Atlantic on July 21st for an overnight stop during RAGBRAI 2019 – the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. The event was last held in Atlantic, back in 2011. RAGBRAI Committee members Billie Hoover and Mike Waters say the riders are in process now of looking for host families. Hoover says they will accept requests from riders until about mid-June. (click on the left side of the audio bar(s) below to “Play” the cut)
Hosts can specify how many riders they are willing to accommodate.
The event offers host families and the riders a chance to make long-lasting friendships. Riders and hosts families alike may go to www.Atlanticragbrai.com, to sign-up. There are links directing both riders and hosts to provide their respective information. As for the hosts, they specify what they are willing to provide and if they have preferences.
The Housing Committee she says, will not place anyone who is not a REGISTERED Ragbrai rider, because registered riders have signed a Waiver of Liability, which protects home-owners and hosts. The riders will be notified through e-mail who their host families are and where they are located. And, the hosts will also be notified about who to expect and what their needs are. Most of the riders will be up and on their way out-of-town to the next overnight stay, the following morning.