United Group Insurance

Post-Election Audit Confirms Adair County Vote Results


November 13th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

Adair County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Mindy Schaefer reports that on Thursday, November 8, 2018 three citizens from Adair County, each registered as members of either the Democratic or Republican political parties, met at the Courthouse in Greenfield to conduct a post-election audit of the votes cast at the 2NE (Stuart) Precinct at the November 6, 2018 General Election.

On Wednesday, November 7, 2018, the Iowa Secretary of State’s Office randomly selected one precinct from each county in the state to be the subject of the audit. The audit team hand counted the votes cast for the office of Governor/Lt. Governor on the 416 ballots cast at the 2NE polling site on election day. The team’s hand counted results were then compared to those reported by the ballot tabulator results tape generated at the polls on election night.

Schaefer said today (Tuesday), that the results matched exactly, and that this is the outcome all voters and election officials should expect, and it should strengthen the confidence Adair County voters have in the integrity of the election process. Extensive testing of the ballot tabulators is conducted by the Auditor’s Office in advance of every election to assure that the tabulators are accurately recording the votes from the paper ballots.