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Griswold School Board receives bids on Lewis building


November 20th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

The Griswold School Board met Monday evening, and discussed the sale of the Elementary Buildings. Superintendent Dave Henrichs told KJAN News they have received two bids for the Lewis Building, and no bids (to date), for the Elliott Building. “However,” he says “We’re having ongoing communications with the City of Elliott about that building.” The plan moving forward, he says “Is to set a date, probably in January,” for the two individuals with the Lewis proposals, to present to the Griswold School Board and Lewis City Council. Afterward, they’ll try to “Come to the best conclusion about who we feel is the best bidder for that,” and then conduct formal hearings and all the steps necessary to transfer ownership.

One of the bidders, he says, has proposed a manufacturing facility for the Lewis building, while the other proposes it be used for a Youth Shelter/Residential Treatment Facility. In other business, Board approved a couple of Early Retirement applications from two, long-time District employees who have “done great things for the district.” Gail Maxwell is the K-12 Media Technology Integrationist and Media Specialist. Andrea Olson is a Title 1 Teacher at Lewis. Henrichs said “We’ll greatly miss them and appreciate their efforts greatly.”

The Board also continued with discussions on Budget changes for the 2019-20 School Year, which amount to about $200,000. He says “We’re using that word ‘change’ because we’re trying to find ways to shift people around, versus eliminating positions.” A list of 17 different ideas and/or options has been established, to which the Board agreed to continue exploring. The goal, he said, is to have some final decisions made by the end of January.