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IDPH recommends you get a flu shot now to be prepared


October 11th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) — We are only in the second week of October — but the state’s top doctor is recommending you get your flu shot. Iowa Department of Public Health Medical Director Caitlin Pedati (puh-DOT-ee) says the time is right. “We like to suggest that people get it between two and four weeks before they are exposed,” Pedati explains,”so that’s where this recommendation for trying to get this done before the end of October comes from.” She says if you get a flu shot now you don’t have to worry about being protected. “It takes your body a little bit of time to develop immunity once you’ve gotten the vaccine. So, you want to give your body that time before you would ever be exposed to the virus,” according to Pedati.

Doctor Pedati says the warmer weather we’ve had lately probably doesn’t make people think about winter and the flu. “I think sometimes people do kind of think ‘oh gosh is it a little bit early,’ but again the idea is that you really want to get the vaccine in time to give your immune system that time to build the immune response so that when you do come up against the real virus you’ve got that protection in place,” Pedati says. She says others might worry getting the vaccine too early would allow it to wear off. “There’s been research on whether or not your immunity kind of goes down over the course of the season — and so people wonder is it too early, too late, where is that sweet spot?,” Pedati says. “It’s a little bit hard to say exactly where that right time is — but we do think that probably the ideal time is by the end of October to give yourself that time to get that immunity built. And I can tell you I got mine at the mid to end of September.”

Doctor Pedati says there should be an ample supply of the vaccine. She says if you wonder where you can get the flu shot you should check with your health care provider, your insurance company or your local health department should give you the information you need. Pedati says the shot is often covered by insurance. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone six months of age or older get the flu vaccine.