United Group Insurance

Hand foot and mouth cases up


July 30th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) — The Iowa Department of Public health says a mild but highly contagious viral disease has been widespread in the state this summer. D-P-H Medical Director Caitlin Pedati says the heat may be contributing the high number hand-foot-and-mouth disease cases. The symptoms include a sore throat and a miserable rash. “And that rash can look like either flat red spots or raised red bumps and sometimes it looks like blisters as well,” Pedati says “We tend to see these on the hands, feet and mouth of kids which is where it gets its name, although it’s possible it could occur on other parts of the body.”

Doctor Pedati says while hand-foot-and-mouth disease makes kids feel miserable, they rarely need to go to the hospital. “It’s not typically very serious, you know usually what will happen is you’ll recover on your own in about seven to ten days,” according to Pedati.  The disease is contagious so Pedati says it’s important that those who have it stay home for several weeks after the symptoms are gone. “There’s no specific treatment for it, it’s one of those where we say getting some rest and staying hydrated, providing supportive care is really the way to go,” Doctor Pedati says.

While Pedati says anecdotally there are more cases than usual this time of year, the department doesn’t count incidences of hand-foot and mouth disease.