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Closing weekend for candidates to make closing Primary arguments


June 4th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

On the final weekend before the Iowa Primary Election, the five Democratic candidates for governor began making their final pitches for votes — and Republican Governor Kim Reynolds says she’ll be ready to debate the candidate Democrats pick. One day remains before Iowans begin casting their ballots at precincts for Tuesday’s Primary Election. The five candidates for governor are making their closing pitches to voters. Fred Hubbell, a Des Moines businessman, is the perceived front-runner. “We’ve worked hard to travel around the state and meet with people and talk to people and get them interested in our campaign,” Hubbell says. Hubbell spoke to a large crowd in an Iowa City brew pub Sunday afternoon, urging Democrats to get out to vote in the Primary. “And then we need to get to work Wednesday morning, early, uniting our party, uniting all of us and going after Governor Reynolds because we need to win this General Election,” Hubbell said.

John Norris, an aide to former Governor Tom Vilsack, addressed Democrats at a Seven County Rally in Albia Saturday night. Norris says his party needs to focus on boosting Democratic turn-out in rural Iowa. “If we do the same thing again in 2016 that we did the last two cycles, trying to make up for our increasing losses in rural Iowa by just doubling down in the urban centers and think we’re going to win, we’re crazy,” Norris said. Cathy Glasson, a nurse and union organizer, hosted campaign staff and volunteers at her house in Coralville early Sunday morning. “I feel really good and optimistic about this because I think the message and the issues that we’re talking to folks about really resonate,” Glasson says.

Two other Democrats are competing for the chance to face Republican Governor Kim Reynolds this fall. Former Iowa Democratic Party chairwoman Andy McGuire says the Reynolds Administration has put people ahead of profits. “I’m a doctor. I took an oath to put patients first. I will always put people first. That’s what we need in our governor,” McGuire said, “somebody who cares about every Iowan being a success and that’s who I’ll be.” Former Iowa City Mayor Ross Wilburn told the crowd in Albia Saturday night that it’s time for rank-and-file Democrats to act. “Let’s start the ‘blue wave’ on Tuesday,” Wilburn said in Albia Saturday night.

On Sunday evening Republican Governor Kim Reynolds held a barbecue at her campaign headquarters in Des Moines. Reynolds told Radio Iowa she plans to debate whomever Democrats nominate. It will be her first campaign debate, but Reynolds says she’s had plenty of “tune ups” during interviews with reporters around the state and weekly news conferences with statehouse reporters. “They’re challenging,” Reynolds says. “I would not say there are softball questions.” And Reynolds says she’s “pretty confident” her campaign team will get her ready for the debates to come.

(Radio Iowa)