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Senator Ernst, Congressman Young praise strikes against Syria


April 14th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

Senator Joni Ernst says allied strikes against Syria make it clear the use of chemical weapons “will not be tolerated.” Ernst, a Republican, is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. She issued a written statement shortly before 10 o’clock Friday night. Ernst said there is “indisputable” evidence the Syrian regime is guilty of “horrific crimes” against its own people.

Ernst called Syrian president Bashar al-Assad a war criminal and she accused Russia and Iran of being “complicit in these chemical weapons attacks on innocent” civilians. Ernst praised the Trump Administration for “decisive and precise” leadership with our British and French allies. At midnight, Republican Congressman David Young of Van Meter issued a statement, calling the action against Syrian “strong, swift and targeted.”

Young said the U.S. and its allies “cannot tolerate atrocities against the innocent and the use of chemical weapons.”Congressman Rod Blum, of Dubuque, sent a tweet Friday night, signalling he’s part of a group of Republicans in the U.S. House who will call on President Trump is get authorization from congress before engaging further in Syria.

Blum, however, did not issue a written statement on last night’s air strike. As of 4:30 a.m. Saturday, Senator Chuck Grassley, Congressman Steve King and Congressman Dave Loebsack had not issued statements on the president’s action in Syria. President Donald Trump on Saturday declared “Mission Accomplished” for a U.S.-led allied missile attack on Syria’s chemical weapons program, but the Pentagon said the pummeling of three chemical-related facilities left enough others intact to enable the Assad government to use banned weapons against civilians if it chooses.

The nighttime Syria assault was carefully limited to minimize civilian casualties and avoid direct conflict with Syria’s key ally, Russia. Russia and Iran called the use of force by the United States and its allies a “military crime” and “act of aggression.”

(Radio Iowa & the Associated Press contributed to this report)