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Griswold School Board News


February 20th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

The Griswold School Board met in a regular session, Monday evening. Superintendent Dave Henrichs told KJAN News the Board reluctantly accepted some resignations that will become effective at the end of the school year, and they approved contracts for other individuals. He said Sandy England, elementary vocal and TAG teacher applied for early retirement. Two elementary teachers also resigned, including Aaron Holtman, Lewis 1st grade teacher, and Rochelle Tweed, 5th grade teacher at Elliott. Joe Rush and Joe Sponsler were hired as Special Education van drivers, Helen Riley and Brooke Palmer were hired as 1-to-1 Special Ed aids at Elliott.

The Griswold Board heard from representatives with KPE architects and Estes Construction, with regard to the District’s facilities projects. Henrichs said they presented their recommendations in terms of bid packages. He said the bids came in $7,000 under what they expected, so the Board awarded the bid packages to those bidders. The next step, according to Henrichs, is for Estes Construction to send out the contracts. A construction timeline will be developed as well, with construction tentatively set to begin the first week of April, weather permitting. At some point thereafter, a ground breaking ceremony will take place.

Henrichs said also the School Board elected to buy a cirrus electronic sign for $17,000, to replace the one that was damaged. The new sign will be placed in front of the school. Installation of the sign and related groundskeeping work will be handled by the Booster Club. The Board also authorized the administration to go out for bids with regard to new bus, and were informed a joint board meeting will be held with Lenox in a few weeks to talk about continuing sharing of the Superintendent’s position. The tentative date for the meeting is March 8th, in Griswold.

Henrichs said also, that the first negotiations with the Certified Bargain Unit will be held February 27th.