United Group Insurance

Atlantic City Council to act on AMU Budget Resolution & other matters, Wednesday


December 5th, 2017 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic City Council will hold a regular meeting 5:30-p.m. Wednesday, at City Hall. On their agenda is a Resolution approving the FY 2018 Budget for Atlantic Municipal Utilities. City Administrator John Lund says even though AMU is an entity of the City, it functions independently due to the focus of the organization, highly technical nature of utility management and their own oversight Board. By Iowa Code, the City must approve their budget in order for it to go into effect. AMU General Manager Steve Tjekpes and Comptroller Jennifer Saathoff will be on hand to answer any questions the Council may have.

The Council will also act on approving a Resolution “Setting [the] Salary for an Appointed Officer or Employee of the City of Atlantic, effective Dec. 18, 2017.” In this case, that employee is new Library Director Michelle Andersen, who will begin her position Dec. 18th.  The Library Board has approved a salary of $47,500 for the remainder of FY 2018. Compensation for the position in FY 2019 will be further discussed with the Personnel and Finance Committee and Library Board before the City’s Budget is finalized.

In other business, the Council will hold a Public Hearing on the sale of real estate at 1004 Palm Street. The City acquired a structure on the land through condemnation, and a house there was demolished and removed. The two abutting land owners each want to buy part of the remaining lot to make building improvements on their properties. It’s expected the Council will pass a Resolution after the hearing, to sell the land equally to those two property owners. The Council will also hold the first reading of an Amendment to and Ordinance with regard parking on City Streets. It appears one street was overlooked where prohibited parking was being allowed on both sides of a street, instead of one-side, as is the case throughout the City. The street missed for signage is 13th, between Locust to Birch. At present, traffic may park on both sides of the street, which makes for a very narrow stretch of passage for vehicles. It also creates a safety concern. The Ordinance, if passed, would bring the street into conformance with the standards held by the remaining streets in the City.

The Atlantic City Council is also set to act on an Order to Approve an Engineering Agreement with Snyder and Associates for Community Beautification Projects. Officials feel Snyder Engineer Tim Teig’s background in Landscape Architecture will be a valuable resource to the City as it prepares to implement a plan created by an intern in 2016, and the tasked to a committee. And, City Administrator John Lund will present to the Council, a review of a Comprehensive Subdivision Planning Report, which is part of a long-term goal he set forth reaching in 2014. The report will include concepts and ideas that explore the future housing potential development possibilities within the City Limits.