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Oldest living female Marine in Iowa honored on her 100th birthday


August 27th, 2017 by Ric Hanson

A woman from Cass County who served in the Marine Corps during World War II, was honored Sunday during a “Meet and Greet” at the Armory in Atlantic, on the day after her 100th Birthday, Elleen Wheatley was warmly celebrated and greeted by friends, family and former active members of the military, during the event.  Wheatley is the oldest living female Marine in Iowa.

Photo courtesy Brian Rink.

Brian Rink, a fellow Marine, read a letter from the man who serves as the 18th Sgt. Major of the Corps, to Corporal Wheatley:

“The Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, 26 August, 2017. Dear Corporal Elleen Wheatley, I am pleased to convey my warmest congratulations on the occasion of your 100th birthday. You supported the efforts of our nation prior to enlisting in the Corps, by working at a munitions plant in Ankeny, Iowa, at the time your family was already serving in the cause of our nation. With a twin brother and a husband serving in the Army, you paved the way for all Marines, and you should be proud of all your accomplishments.

You answered the nation’s call with courage and devotion to duty. The spirit and fortitude you and your fellow Marines demonstrated, played a key role in shaping the heritage of our Corps.      The Marines serving throughout the world today, take great pride in carrying on the illustrious legacy of valor, discipline and steadfast fidelity that you helped forge. We’re proud to follow in your footsteps.    

Again, thank you for your service to our country and Corps, and Happy Birthday, Marine! Semper Fidelis. (Signed) Ronald L. Green, 18th Sgt. Major of the Marine Corps.” The statement was followed by a raucous “Oooh Rah!”

Wheatley joined the military when she was 25, just two weeks after she was married. She worked in the Quarter Masters, in transportation, during her time of service from July 8, 1943 to Nov. 10th, 1945.